Mars has water, a suitable temperature, and a thin layer of atmosphere to shield humankind from solar and cosmic radiation. But it would take hundreds of years to make Mars Earth-like. And let’s not forget- an unimaginable amount of money and global cooperation!
Instead, let’s collectively restore Earth to its former glory. Let’s try responsible consumerism.
It is for good reason that UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) 12 is about responsible consumerism and production. Responsible consumerism means buying goods or services that have little to negligible impact on the environment and avoiding products that cause irreversible damage to the planet. However, it doesn’t stop there because you’re not just buying a product. You’re also buying the way in which it was produced. How many trees are hacked down to produce paper cups? About 6.5 million trees for 16 billion cups!
Responsible consumerism means buying goods or services that have little to negligible impact on the environment and avoiding products that cause irreversible damage to the planet.
By being a responsible consumer and choosing one product over another, you’re indirectly informing the manufacturer of your ethical values. This becomes an incentive for businesses to set sustainability goals and manufacture products in a manner that respects nature.
Successful movements carried out by responsible consumers have given rise to cruelty-free cosmetics, vegan products, electric cars, the decline of single-use plastics, and so on. Closer home, school children in India have spearheaded the campaign against firecrackers that aggravate air pollution. Did you know your shopping habits can be this powerful?
In her book Your Consumption Can Change The World, journalist Brenda Chavez writes, “Through our consumption, we are able to reward fair and responsible models of production.” By practising responsible consumerism, we can cut down on energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Starting Point?
Although the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century with the good intentions of economic growth and a better lifestyle for commoners, it built the base for climate change. A study in 2016 showed that climate change due to human activity started around the 1830s.
But, add a pause button to the scenario and see what happens. We’re talking about the Covid-19 pandemic. While the world got busy booking vaccine slots and standing in grocery lines, nature continued to heal itself. Reports show that in the absence of humans on the beach, successful nesting rates for loggerhead turtles rose by 39%! Furthermore, fishing in oceans fell by 12%. As per the United Nations’s report, greenhouse gas emissions fell by a noteworthy 5.4% in 2020. This showed us the link between air pollution and global warming.
Although statistics returned to the negative side of the coin once lockdown restrictions were lifted, these events did teach us something- it’s not too late to save our planet!
While we cannot enforce rigorous regulations like lockdowns, we can, however, exercise simple tools to nourish Earth again. Tools like responsible consumerism and sustainability.
Here’s The Plan
Earth provides us with life and uncountable, precious resources. Hence, we must do all we can to rescue it from further ruin. It may sound like a daunting mission. But don’t let that dissuade you. You can contribute in your own little ways. Here’s how you can start.
– Avoid Single-Use Plastic
Carry a reusable shopping bag wherever you go. Say no to plastic straws. Avoid buying toiletries that come in plastic packaging- for example, switch to a bar soap from a liquid body wash that comes in a plastic bottle. Carry your refillable water bottle instead of buying packaged water. Similarly, carry a thermos from home for beverages to avoid using disposable cups and lids.
To help you smoothly cut down plastic usage, we recommend shopping at Brown Living, a planet-positive store. It’s a one-stop online store for all you need to switch to a plastic-free lifestyle.
– Reduce. Recycle. Repair. Reuse.
Firstly, reduce consumption. If you buy less, you tend to generate less waste. Think if you really need something or you just ‘want’ it. The guiding principles of sustainability hold that responsible consumption can be practised in two ways: 1) Buying fewer products; 2) Buying sustainable products.
Secondly, get into the habit of recycling everything at home. Keep separate bags for paper and plastic waste. Find out about the recycling options in your neighbourhood and you will find that most of them offer home collection.

Third, put an end to throw-away culture. Before deciding to part ways, check if the broken item can be fixed. Have you thought about upcycling? Turn your trash into treasure.
Fourth, reuse your current possessions as much as possible. Buy good quality products with longer lifespans, so that they neither end up in landfills quickly nor do you have to frequently buy new stuff.
– Love for Local
You as a customer play a valuable role in supporting your ecosystem’s sustainability goals. Local consumption reduces greenhouse gas emissions from long-distance transportation. Moreover, if you consume seasonal foods, there is a far lower demand for imported food, thus reducing packaging waste and pollution from overseas shipping.
You as a customer play a valuable role in supporting your ecosystem’s sustainability goals. Local consumption reduces greenhouse gas emissions from long-distance transportation. Moreover, if you consume seasonal foods, there is a far lower demand for imported food, thus reducing packaging waste and pollution from overseas shipping.
– Old fashion is In fashion
Utilize your current outfits as creatively as you can. Think of a capsule wardrobe– have a limited collection of clothes which you can coordinate differently each time as a new look. When your threads feel old, go ahead and sell them to thrift stores. As a next step, check out brands like Relove and Dwij. Relove offers a resale option for brands and customers. Dwij upcycles used jeans into fancy items like bags, toys, jewellery, and so on. A glance around and you’re bound to find a plethora of brands in India that upcycle your textile waste in creative ways!
Eventually, if and when you do decide to opt for new clothing, make it a point to search for alternatives made of sustainable materials. To know more about these alternatives in fashion, read our detailed guide here.

Source: Dwij
Turn to Plants
Several studies have shown that having a plant-based diet is not only great for human health but also for planet health. Cows and other livestock emit harmful methane gas into the air as a byproduct- they contribute to 40% of global methane emissions! Furthermore, if the entire world makes efforts to reduce meat consumption, we could reduce freshwater usage by half.

There is no dearth of Indian foods that are vegan and can be adapted to to fit your dietary needs. But, if decoding vegan nutrition has been a challenge for you, you can always turn to brands that make plant-based alternatives easy to access. For example, India Hemp and Co. has a range of Hemp-based powders and more, to help you include the super-food seamlessly into your lifestyle. That’s a good place to begin if you’re trying out your options!
Travel Smart
Go grocery shopping on two feet or on two wheels. And by two wheels, we mean a cycle, of course! You’ll reduce your carbon footprint, and additionally, get in some exercise. Most cities have well-connected public transport routes. Ditch your car and experience the thrill of catching a train or bus! If that’s not your scene, how about carpooling? Sharing a vehicle reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and of course, traffic jams!
For a detailed guide on how to be a smart and sustainable traveler, read our eco-travel guide here.
Grow Your Responsible Tribe
Inspire others to be responsible consumers. Share with your neighbours and friends how you’re making sustainable life choices and ask them to follow the same. And do not forget to inculcate these habits in children. Show them how to respect nature, and watch them slowly grow into environmentalists! A fun way to do this is via play-based learning through Upycler’s Lab.
Make a Difference!
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Then become a member of TGL Tribe and find your key to a sustainable lifestyle with special members-only benefits and perks from brands that help you show love for the planet. Insider tip – There are fabulous offers for TGL Tribe members on all the brands featured in the story!
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